Contact Us

We believe in having close relations with our customers

כתוב את הכותרת כאן

For further details and for making an appointment, please fill in your details and we shall get back to you as soon as possible.


Itzik Tshuva offices

Itzik Tshuva offices
Mefi Street 5, Netanya
SOHO Project, 3rd floor
Tel. 972-9-885581
Fax. 972-9-8855322
[email protected]

Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv


A boutique building in the most desired neighborhood in Tel Aviv


Sea & City

The tallest tower in Netanya with a spectacular rooftop swimming pool

Carmel, Haifa

Yefe Nof

Luxury in the most beautiful street of Haifa

Tel Aviv

Beit Hassofer

Connect to history, touch the future and live in the very heart of Tel Aviv

תכניות הפרויקט